Pulley and Belt Size Selection Calculator

This pulley and belt size selection calculator helps you calculate the Pulley-2 diameter and the belt length size based on mm or inches values.

Pulley and belt length calculation image

mm inches

Pulley and Belt Length Size Calculation Formula

To calculate the “Pulley2” dimension and belt size based on Motor RPM, Pulley1 dimension, and Center distance. You can use the following formula, which are mentioned below:

Pulley 2 Calculation Formula:

Pulley2 Size (in mm)= (Motor rpm × Motor Pulley1 (diameter in mm) ÷ required rpm.


Pulley2 Dimension: 1465 (M-rpm) ×100 mm (P-1 dia) ÷ 1000 (rpm) = 146.5 mm

  • Motor rpm: 1465
  • Pulley-1 dia: 100 mm
  • Required rpm: 1000

Therefore, based on the above dimensions, the dimension of pulley 2 will be 146.5 mm.

Belt Length Calculation Formula:

Belt Size (in mm) = 2 × Pulley center distance + ( π × (motor pulley 1 size + pulley 2 size)) / 2.

Note: Pulley1 is a Motor pulley (drive). Belt size and Pulley2 (driven) dimensions will be shown on the result page.

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